Design+ 2014
Design+ is a one day event which celebrates the wealth of design talent in Newcastle. Aimed at Architecture and Interior Design industry professionals and members of the public alike, Design+ showcases the products, services and skills available right here on your doorstep.
The aim with the Design+ video, was to create a film that showcases the 'Design+' event as a whole. Giving viewers an insight as to what makes the event so special and to encourage people to come out and experience the event for themselves.
The idea was to get in amongst everything, bringing the camera along to capture the heart, essence, and life of the event. It took place over one night and one day. Design+ partners with 'Pecha Kucha' (a standalone event by itself) to kick off the festival with a themed 'Pecha Kucha' night, and then the talks, shops, stalls, events the following day.
This was supplemented with a short sit down chat with a representative from 'Design+'. Sarah was excellent in this regard, happy to give time and a location for this chat. The chat was necessary to give the video a direction and a sense of story to the event, because otherwise it would have just been a series of nice shots showcasing the event.
The final film turned out a treat. From the answers given by Sarah, the film is now not only able to give an insight as to what 'Design+' is but also acts as a look back at the latest one.