michilis surfaid cup

Newcastle City Council Boardriders won the Michilis SurfAid Cup in half-metre (two foot) surf at Dixon Park, Newcastle, with 16 corporate teams raising $52,000 for humanitarian organisation SurfAid.

Pro surfers who generously donated their time and skills to the event were two-time ASP world champion Tom Carroll, local Newcastle legends Matt Hoy and Luke Egan, Thruster-inventor Simon Anderson, Tom Whitaker, Mark Mathews, Dan Ross and local surfers Drew Courtney, Ryan Callinan, Justin Lee, Jackson Baker, Travis Lynch, Michael Spencer, New Zealand’s Billy Stairmand and USA’s Ryan Ragan.

The SurfAid Cup is a surfing competition involving 12 four-person teams, each fundraising for SurfAid, with a minimum of $5,000 per team to enter. Each SurfAid Cup team, in order of their fundraising total, will get to pick a surf legend to join them, they then compete across the day in a knockout style competition to find out which fundraising team has the best surfing skills. All in the name of raising funds to help the SurfAid charity.

We went on location with two camera operators to make sure we caught as much of the action as possible. It was a Surf comp after all. At the same time we spoke with some of the surfing legends on the day with their thoughts on the whole SurfAid Cup and the good things the charity is implementing. 

The end product turned out very nice and gives an excellent overview of what went on at the Michilis SurfAid Cup as well as highlighting what SurfAid as a charity is trying to do. Although I was very pleased in the end it was not without it's difficulties to try and overcome. The presentation at the end was an example of this. The white background covered with sponsors, logos and branding, at that time of the afternoon was an extremely hard surface to keep exposed properly with people standing in front of it and there being so much sunlight. I was hopeful of changing spots for the presentation but unfortunately we just had to deal with it as there was not enough time to try and get it changed after the final. There are times where you just have to roll with the punches and this was one of those. But overall I was very pleased with how the final product turned out.