Shopping centre fun and Same Day Edits / by Stephen Roberts

Oh the fun of a 'Same Day Edit'. (SDE)

I guess for a guy such as myself, this is one of the ultimate tests. Can you shoot, edit and deliver a project in one day?? Well that is the task I took on the other week for a project for a friend over at Bedroom Studio.

A still frame of some happy center patrons from the edit.

A still frame of some happy center patrons from the edit.

I guess the day was filled with a mixture of anxiety, excitedness, expectation and also a tad of fear. Fear of what would happen if everything went pear-shaped. Luckily for me it went smoothly and the edit was delivered on time, a round of changes made and delivered in full, at the time promised. I wouldn't say it was easy as the filming took place in a shopping centre. The new 'Macquarie Centre' at Ryde to be precise and boy that place is one massive maze. From trying to park your car to finding where you are going, checking in for permits, the place also has split levels for the entire complex.....whatever happened to good ol' level 1, 2, 3, 4 etc

View from my edit spot

View from my edit spot

Basically with the day sliced in half I would of had 4 hours for shooting and 4 hours for editing. But that doesn't take into account, driving and moving, parking, a break, food etc. So sitting down to edit in less than 4 hours is a tight turn around no matter what you are cutting.

Luckily the client had their office in Macquarie Park so a place to edit was literally just down the road and the edit was not a complicated one which was also a big help.

So, same day edits are not something I would want to be doing all the time but they are a good test of your skills, composure and work ethic.